Monday, May 9, 2011

Your Shit does Indeed Stink

The title says it all. Your shit does stink, what you gana do, deny it? Or claim that you're rectum is non-existent and that you're actually not human, but an alien here to show us the way forward? For you I reserve the following Sterling Archer quote: "You're so full of shit your eyes are brown." Shut the fuck up, own your problems and short comings and move forward to bettering yourself. Cause that's all we can do. Move forward and learn from our mistakes and character flaws, that's the beauty of being a person. Do you think Mandela was given an air freshener can while he was on the island? Unfortunately he wasn't a part of the cast for Lost, so the answer you're looking for there is no.

There's no such thing as being perfect. "You've gotta love yourself warts and all." Mary and Max

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