Thursday, May 5, 2011


So Sterling Archer is an idiotic, spoilt brat American James Bond. His mother is Malory Archer who happens to be the most rotten version of Q. And yeah it’s like this completely hilarious cartoon that I came across. No one cares for anyone’s feelings in the show and the constant put downs and more than witty retorts make for an incredible series. Two seasons two days, it’s not that hard, cause their 20 odd minute episodes and there’s 10 per season. I would have watched both in the same day but… didn’t.

I’ll leave you with some quotes and you can gauge whether it’s a show you’d enjoy or not.

“It’s the immigrants they drive around in their cars playing raps and shooting all the jobs!” Malary Archer.

“There’s a sniper out there who’s bullet could spark world war three and you idiots are tying up ISIS resources with high school bullshit? Cause I don’t really see a downside to that Archer wise… load up! There should be a box of grenades here somewhere.”

These quotes are just the tip:

Oh yeah ISIS is the name of the Spy Agency his mother owns. Check it out if you can. Hilarious is all I have to say. And the picture has nothing to do with it. I just really like these characters. Once again made by Nora Wyss.

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