Friday, May 27, 2011


So... like... this is my first video project and it wasn't a cake walk to make. Up and downs, self doubt, others doubt, taking smack talk, smack talking myself but it finally got done. In Fantastic Mr Fox Felicity Fox tells Foxy that they're poor, but they're happy. Um... this applies to this project as well, no budget, getting kicked off tennis courts and having to pay spot fines of R200 from a guy looking to buy a new black hummer thong. Massive respect to all involved we DID IT!

The video is Limerence, song by my favourite artists in SA Voicetag, this probably should be labelled nepotism, if we don't learn from our government who will? The beat was made by Richard III and is way too beautiful. Anyway, I had the opportunity to work with the dream team and we finally have something to show for it. It was a concerted team effort and the video I think speaks for itself.

Adam and I were going for a simple complexity with the video which I believe we were able to achieve. Not easy, a lot of labour went into achieving this, a lot of shooting, a lot of footage and a lot of negotiation.

Now for the thank you's

To D-Money Cloughing Cakes! You are incredible!!!!!! turning photography into film the stop frame is simply amazing and it's all to you!

Adam Kent Wiest, you are the video no doubt!

Thandi, for believing in the project from its inception! amazing make up! amazing person! you are amazing!! thank you!!! LOVE for you dude! so much of it!

Voicetag, for making such inspiring music!!!

ODC for all the assistance in the process!

Jody! For doing the styling on the first shoot!!! thank you!

C-Dizzy Fonseca! Jade De Waal! Super NAT Memela and Themba Stewart!!!!! thank you so much for looking so epic in the video!!!

Storm thank you so much for helping with wardrobe and styling!!

Richard, for making the beautiful song and for the conversation that resulted in the videos creation! Thank you so much sir!! You sparked this entire fire!

J-Dizz!!!!! I can't even say how much you meant to the project, you were magnanimous in your contribution and words would my gratitude an injustice!! you're something else and I can only appreciate your being and interest in the project! Beauty is you bru!

Chris Kets and Remy thank you so much for the assistance gentlemen appreciation and a thousand thank yous.

To Fly On The Wall thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! If Fil didn't invite me into the office after my first email and Bryan didn't tell me to get off my lazy ass, I don't think we would have what we do today!

This video had consumed me for the past couple of months and I'm just glad that we finally have it done.

Thank you to all who came out to show support last night! it was fucking epic!! Thank you to all my friends who've supported and spent time speaking to me about this motherfucker, it's finally done! i can only say thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!
"It was always the way I loved it, cause it was never the way I planned it." Jake Lipman

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