Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Importance of being OFFENsive!?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59I7BPyUhJQ waking life excerpt of the telescopic nature of evolution.

A friend of mine who once owned the sexiest beetle Cape Town ever saw, decided to do a doodle in my little black book sometime last year. I was instantly fond of the doodle, cause it left me pondering a few things. Like; what would life be like if people decided to constantly offend each other and act without restraint or decorum? Sometimes being offensive is a way of getting over obstacles put up as security for no reason. Or can be used as a method of security. Chicken or the egg. In Dick Linklater’s film The Waking Life a scientist speaks about the telescopic nature of the evolution of mankind. He makes sense to the evolution being brought about at a rapid pace by the age of information and mentions that we would start seeing the possible effects within generations. And in this current age of information I may have spotted them, even if it is a a late spotting, I do think we are showing signs of the new evolution and build up to the neo humans he makes references to.

So the Fuck manners doodle... Well it’s almost a year later and everything is falling into place. Odd Future Wolfgang Kill Them All to be more specific. Skate or Die mental through rap music, carnage and destruction. It’s the reason why Heath Ledgers joker role was so compelling and enthralling to watch. Alfred Wisely tells Bruce in the movie that there’s no reasoning with some men. Some men just want to watch the world (without Phoenix reference) burn. And we come back to Linklater who seems to be snaking his way into every part of this post, he addresses the theory of chaos and destruction.

Man wants chaos, in fact he's got to have it. Depression, strife, riots, murder, all this dread, we're irresistibly drawn to that almost orgiastic state created out of death and destruction. It's in all of us, we revel in it. Sure the media tries to put a sad face on these things, painting them up as great human tragedies, but we all know the function of the media has never been to eliminate the evils of the world - no - their job is to persuade us to accept those evils and get used to living with them.” Waking Life; Burning man.

OFWGKTA have taken the next step in offending people, from their parents to anyone listening to them. Nothing is taboo. Tyler’s entire album revolves around his daddy issues and taking them out on a therapist , amongst many others. Even claiming to be Satan’s son at some point. Here’s the video for Yonkers that everyone’s raving about for good reason. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSbZidsgMfw and the infamous TV debut on The Jimmy Fallon show. When you’re not even twenty yet have the roots backing your first television experience and Mos Def bugging out on live television you have to be doing something right. Right? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlGWRPnp0ok

“I don’t set out to feel important If I am offensive, usually If I say or do mean/crude/dumb things it’s because I have something bothering me, and that’s how it comes out. When I want to feel important I do things that make me proud of myself, or invite validation. But that’s if I have to think about it.” That’s my friend Hazel responding to the question; Do you find importance in being offensive. These kids obviously have a lot of baggage and they take them out on the raps they put out. Telling the whole world off and letting them know everything they do and say is what they learnt from them. The world I mean

I listen to their music cause I think it’s so dope. Do I ascribe to the values these kids are preaching, yeah some. But I find their music pretty rotten overall. It’s not music I’d wanna hear my 15 year old cousin playing, but at his/her age I was doing the same. Except, it was Wu-Tang. So I suppose my worry would be set on the bogus pretence of the Magic Bullet Theory. Not condoning rotten behaviour but like a friend said “Obviously someone has to take on that role in society...it helps us question the way we live and the rules we comply to.” If anything these kids a very indicative of the times we’re living in except they're not trying to sugar coat everything, to the point where the problem is simply hidden. They're problems and know it, this video inspired me so much http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8le7K1Yah8. How can it not? I end off by quoting my dear friend Rob Scher who said: I feel like making a statement and being offensive are often confused for each other...” hmm


  1. yo dude,interesting piece,really enjoyed it. Wow that Tyler chap and his crew are pushing controversial boundaries. I really think that this excites a response in people regardless if they like the music/lyrics or not. The balaklavas, the upside down crucifixes, the vomiting,the hard almost heavy metal excitability are all signifiers of going against the societal grain and conforming to that non-conformist way of being. I think it is important to be offensive as it evokes some kind of a response in people which would have not have been achieved if we were all sweet, cute and polite (boring).Perhaps non-conformity is a device telling the suited gents to fuck off and suck a dick!

  2. :) Stash you and all Odd Future are going to get on like a house on fire!
