Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The phone vibrates, she thinks Just on time, pulls it out, looks at the name rolls her eyes answers. “Right on cue. Tuck-shop.” And drops her phone. Walking past the school pool she sees a group of boys huddled in a corner probably playing dice. “What’s the school coming to?” she says aloud. She cunningly speeds up as she tries to pass the girls sitting at a rock nearby. She stops and slowly turns around as she hears one of them calling her by a pet name, expecting the conversation that is to follow. She allows a sweet and fake smile to creep onto her face. A tall and skinny blonde girl wearing lip gloss and visible mascara shows her brilliant white teeth. The sweet and high pitched tone hits the ears of Nthabiseng. “ Nthabi babes how are you?” “ I’m fine Priscilla how are you?” her perfume stings Nthabisengs nostrils as she wraps the long and skinny arms around her small frame. And presses her thin lips on Nthabisengs cheek. Nthabisengs only response is to ask her again how she’s doing. “ I’m fine, I’m fine. What are you doing? Why are you walking by yourself? Why don’t you come sit with us? Your brothers' show last night was so awesome! Please come sit with us Nthabi…” She looks at the six girls she’s intensely disliked throughout her school career. The lipstick, high heel, short skirt (school or not) Pre-Madonna kind; who only went for guys out of school since they were fourteen. She felt sorry for them. “ Um… maybe later Prisci I have to meet Thami at the tuck-shop.” “Oh… okay then?” She replies clearly taken a back. “ Well… later then babe.” Repeating the notion of kissing Nthabisengs cheeks.

As she spans the quad area moving towards the tuck-shop she sees him. Hands in blazer pockets, the stick of the sucker sticking out his mouth, he’s staring again. As she nears him she asks

“Can you stop it?” to which he replies

“ Sorry, I can’t help it.”

“ You don’t find it creepy that you’re always staring at me? You already have a ton of photos!”

“ I’m in love!”

“You’re obsessed! And the only reason we’re still cool is cause… well… everybody likes being liked.”

She smiles and turns to get into the line. “ Yeah but everybody already likes you.”

“Believe it or not Thami there’s something about you that both scares and endears me.”

“ I know. I’ve heard that line that about a hundred times now. Pass the money I’ll get Joan’s water.

“I don’t even wanna know.” She flicks the coin and he catches it. As she step out the line, Mr. Wilcox makes his way up the corridor. “ Ah and here’s Rochelle’s new celebrity.”

“ My brothers the celebrity sir.” She corrects him politely.

“ And you’re riding the coat tails like a little sister should.” his blasé retort passing her by. She turns with him. He doesn’t spare her another look. She takes the opportunity to dig knives into his back and imagine him tripping on the step into the office showering his papers across the floor and acquainting his mouth with the tiles.

“Don’t worry about him. So you keen on taking pictures today?” Thami hands her the blue bottle of water and drops the change into her open palm careful not to touch it. “ Sure, let’s go to Marabastad. You can pick me up at 15:00.

” “Cool, now hurry and get back to your cool friends before someone sees you talking to your stalker again.”

“I don’t see you as much of a stalker. I prefer creep.”

“Right… cause there’s a difference.”

“ Yeah there is. Now let me get back to my cool friends before they notice I’m missing and come after you.”

As she walks away he shouts after her.

“ I’d love nothing more than to have an enlightening conversation with those creatine overloaded Chomsky fanatics!”

She turns back faces him and tilts her head to one side, her dark curly hair hangs and almost touches her shoulder. She half closes her eyes and seems to pout. The same look he always got when he said something to impress her. She slowly sings to him. “Careful what you wish for Thami. 3’clock don’t be late.” Turns around carries on walking and doesn’t look back.

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