Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mathew 7:5

"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

So we’re like mostly conscious of basic human rights and all that right? Like we know that there are so many people in the world in far less fortunate positions than what we are, right? Like there’s people living in war zones, experiencing gross violations of their basic human rights. We get pissed off when we hear of big corporations and governments treating these basic human needs with a little more than disregard and what do we do? We talk about them. We read about them and then share them via computer through links on Facebook. Some of us even create artistic pieces as a means of commentary on what’s going on. We hate the fact that people in our country don’t have basic services, such as sanitation. Yet… and this is what confuses me: Most of us work off Apple computers. I caught this floating around the other day and barely made it through the entire thing, cause of the lump in my throat and the guilt clouding my brain. It is without a doubt one of the most macabre articles of I’ve read as a young adult. This is something I can’t just wave easily and jump straight to humour for. Cause this sort of dementia is hard to stumble on and simply laugh at. I mean really, to be treated as less than dirt and then to further be made to literally sign your life over for way less than minimum wage is just very simply fucked up! Yet who am I to talk? I still rock Nike footwear and clothing. I played with Nike Rugby togs at high school and now I skate Nike clothing and shoes. So where do I get the chance to validate this opinion. Or is this the case of every other blogger; simply to bitch and waste electricity while increasing the global carbon footprint? And if that is my footprint does it have that that tick on it that I’ve never been able to resist wearing on my feet.


  1. Interesting article bro,been doing a course related to exactly these atrocious working conditions. It comes down to capitalism and globalisation, modern day slavery where the global south provides cheap labour on the basis for a large profit to be made by the global north. Exploitation is rife. What can we do about these circumstances? It seems inevitable that we are heading into a society that is plagued with unethical moral dilemmas where money is power and we are merely puppets being controlled by corporations. However this is slowly changing, working class people are beginning to realise that they can coalesce together and can cause change through structural disturbances and revolutions but not rapidly enough. A human life has become degraded to a mere commodity where if you do not do the job there will be another person who will be willing to take your place, corporations see people as disposable and easily exploited and that is a really sad realisation of the state of our economic and neo-liberal markets.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ahoy dude.

    So here's the question when does one start to act and how does one do so effectively, without sacrificing the efficiency at which they're able to handle their everyday lives?
