Sunday, May 8, 2011

Daytime prices in the Daytime

Charles Kekana: Dude why do the same chicks always rush for the front seat? Have you noticed that? Come on dude, it’s always the same one’s! They’ll kill you for it! Did you see how she just rushed for that front seat? Come on dude! Don’t lie and tell me you’ve never noticed that shit!

The vehicle hobbles on and I laugh at how unroadworthy it is almost falling off my seat cause of Charles’s commentary. Looking at the Taxi driver, who looks like an old Somalian dude who’s final hustle of the night seems to be going left. An old man disembarks the taxi, he turns and slams the sliding door.

Charles Kekana: Ja ne! That guy is definitely going home to eat! Did you see how he slammed that door? I thought that guy was finished, he put everything he had into that one! His remaining energy, honestly I didn’t think he had it in him. Did you see how skinny that man was? He hit it dog, did you notice how everyone just went quiet?

Me: Dude please stop I can’t take it anymore! We’ve been laughing at this taxi since we got in and we’re gana get kicked off!

Charles Kekana: For what? Talking about how rickety this thing is, the taxi queens it attracts or what about; what happened to this guy’s gartjie? He’s so old he’ll cough up a lung if he tries to shout out the window!

Me: Please dude.

The taxi slows down to drop another passenger off, before the man exits he tells him to go slow.

The man slams the door and I begin to wonder if it’s going to fall off.

Charles Kekana: Yoh! This guy has it rough. Make sure you go slow when we get off.

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