Sunday, May 15, 2011

Don't even wanna try.

HOLLYWOOD ASSHOLE: So we’re thinking with this film, Angie all that we would really need from you is that you Brangelina the cam and Johnny just keep in mind everything Tim told you to do and act like you’re on drugs. Script? Well we’re aiming to go more avant-garde on this one. You are the artists in this one and nobody else. Think of William when he was legend.

Shout out to Kets!


  1. Haha "There's only so much i can teach" thought the now aging Tim to himself...

  2. "There's only so much I can learn." Thunk Johnny as he wobbled around set on his fifth day without sleep holding a rum bottle that was filled with coca-cola and Ritalin he silently watched Brad get bullied by the kids on and thought about the upcoming make out scene with Angie.
