Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Blood

It was a pretty little place in the shade that she had to herself. As people walked by she smiled and nodded and appreciated their actions. Shades tinting her view, she watched the bodies making their ways up and down paths and smiled to herself. A grin trying to be concealed, a boy hiding his hand behind his back, walks up to her.


As she finishes her word, he soaks her wet and scurries off, allowing the lady time to recover from the shock and realise that the pages too were damaged in the brief interaction. Once she accepts the fact that she was shot with sopy water and that the stickiness is somewhat mildly annoying. She gets up, picks up her blanket and flaps the pages in hand, and walks out of the park thinking of the shower to follow.

Boys will be boys.

Out aloud, to no one but the people walking by.

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