Friday, July 22, 2011


“ Did you hear that the Siplmetons are…”

“Piet I’m pretty sure you were going for Simpletons.” Monique cuts in.

She takes a drag of her cigarette and smiles at him with an eye brow raised. Everyone laughs and Monique takes another sip from her cider bottle and continues to stare at Pieter. He looks back at her but drops his gaze and looks at Joan.

“ Are we going?” Tumi asks everyone.

“ I think I wanna go anyway. Their old stuff is so great!” she adds.

“ I’m not sure what I would be doing there as a man, you guys can go enjoy yourselves if you want to.” Is Siya's chirps.

“ If you ever want to get sex again in your life you’re going to that concert.” Tumi issues.

“ Yoh!” Jason slips out slapping his hand to his mouth.

“ I’m sure your balls are lonely and missing you wherever they are.” Nthabiseng let’s out as she grabs her vodka mix off the table in her zigzag to the bathroom.

The table erupts into laughter. Siya drops his bald head into his hands. With Tumi’s light brown eyes on him.

“Shame Siya.” Joan says as she patting his back

. On the slow meander down the corridor, Nthabiseng takes out her phone and checks to see if she might have missed any calls or messages while she had been outside. 2missed calls and 3 messages. She suppresses her excitement and starts by checking her missed calls. Her mom and brother. She immediately scrolls to her messages not thinking of her actions. Barely noticing getting into the bathroom taking off her pants and sitting on the toilet. The phone tells her of her two voice messages. She reads that her brother won’t be coming home again tonight. Not unexpected and her parents love and miss her. After she flushes the toilet she makes the voice call. Washing her hands she listens to her mother tell her to behave and that she was calling just to check in, since they hadn’t spoken in two days. She tries to save the message but the voice mail tells her the her inbox is full. Second call: the caller drops without saying anything. She picks her drink off the sink and makes her way back down the hall one shoulder barely pressed on a wall. She scrolls down to Thami’s number and stops halfway down the passage. She stares at the number and then looks at all her friends on her balcony. After staring at the number for a few more seconds she resolves to send him a message. Typed quickly as she can, she drains her glass and switches her phone off then staggers onto the balcony.

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