Sunday, July 3, 2011

Famous Face

There’s very few people in our generation of middle class youngsters that haven’t had a hug from him. Shame.

Describing himself as “The Grill that makes a Mill.” It’ not hard to see why. The friendliest chap on the streets who can both talk his way into and out of trouble. Driving up trees paying pig bribes and waking up to find Macdonalds wrappers on the floor almost became the daily tails of South Africa’s number one hugger. Those of us who've known him for a while like to dedicate our successes to this social demagogue, why? Cause we want to and we can. There’s nothing behind it. Don’t ask what he’s famous for. Just know we made it. Have a beer, give him a cigarette and enjoy the mans company.

Don’t let those eyes fool you though, although they may be childlike physical features, they’ve also seen their fare share of young life and too, are full of Wisdom. Famous Face Fullstop

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