Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Let Them Eat Steak!

So things get crazy once the cooking begins. Everyone from around the hood with time on their hands (Basically everyone) comes round for a taste. Which is cool cause there's way too much meat for one family to eat. The backyard that was cleared of rubbish by our hands is now infested with a lot of drunken men waiting for a taste of the meat that they'll either claim to have played a p
art in killing, cooking o
r they'll claim family member and hope not to be caught out or whatever. Either way I don't know why they do this cause they will get to
eat meat in the end. It's probably the hunger aching their stomachs cause all they've had is liqour for the last couple of days. Stumbling around
and getting to close to the meat we're cooking, we keep having to tell them to get back and go sit somewhere else. They keep trying to creep back. Shit!

Before the eating commences speeches are once again said. The new uncles who's clan name we're taking on have their say about the significance of the sacrifice and the meat we're about to eat. The
se guys prete
nd to listen and take in the words. But some of them, some of these cats just can't help but stare at the pots where we stir the meat. Obviously we have to taste it from time to time to make sure that it's cooked right.

We used to have dogs when I was growing up, and whenever it was feeding time they used to ram against a me
tal door that kept them in the backyard, by the time they smelt the food on its way they were barking and spinning in circles and when we put down the bowls, they'd forget they had their own bowls and rush to the first one starting a fight, although there were other bowls full of food. We always had to stand there and make sure they moved to their own bowls. That's what these guys are like. We call
them Ward 9
's, cause they generally come from that ward of the hood. I once remember an older cousin of mine throwing out a shit load of bones from the kitchen and I literally watched men turn to dogs descending on them like a pack and fighting over the bones. South Africa is indeed a third world country for the majority, and all the poverty I've seen is still urban.

Once the speeches are over and the Women of the house have had their trays of meat handed to them it all begins. It doesn't matter here, class aside you eat from the same plate as the man in the same designated zone as you. It doesn't matter if you drive a Merc, Jag or whatever the fuck you do w
hen you're in Jo'burg, Pretoria or Cape Town, in the ceremony everybody is an equal. Germs what's that? We all dig in and eat whatever meat and as much as we can. Teeth dig into flesh, we rip and enjoy! We eat Fucking Meat!

So most of my pictures somehow got deleted off my computer and all I have are these random pics. pots, a ward9 wh
o made a speech and s little bit of family, i wish i had the actaul picks for Let Them Eat Steak. Which is the reason Misteaken is spelled the way it is. Ah well...such is.

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