Monday, September 26, 2011

Slippery Dancefloor

Knowing what to say, when and how.

It's good to see you.
Thank you.
How are you?
Excuse me.
Fine thanks.

A game played by most, in different situations of course; but all for the same purpose. We want something from each other. How we go about getting what we want from each other is what counts most I suppose. Not that it's anything new. I mean we all know this. But the floor on which we dance, gets more slippery as we continue with the different interactions. Concealing for the most part the real reasons for these apparent interactions, it's kinda bleak to think that most of it doesn't really count. There's too much calculation going (mental rehearsals) for bona fide  improvised moments. Paranoia? Perhaps... It's been an all too fast jump for me from interacting, to socialising, to networking with the ultimate target being to reach some sort of networth. Different styles and methods but most have the same M.O. They just work it in different fields. Nothing seperates any of us. Not even 6 degrees. Now that I've bullshitted my way through a post, you can find something else to do.

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