Sunday, September 4, 2011


As she steps out of the shower her hand reaches for the purple and black towel that had been gifted to her by Thami. She dries her hair by rubbing vigorously. The wet curls stick to parts of her face, she gazes into the mirror and distorts her mouth into a sneer then pops her eyes out at the mirror. The glassy red in them is a reminder of the previous nights debauchery as is the mild headache accompanied by dehydration. She was used to going out on school nights ( as long as her parents were out of town, which was often enough). Happy enough that the shampoo was able to get the smoke out of her hair she dries off the rest of her body. Last night’s song pops into her and she hums the tune all through the dry off, the popping in of the contact lenses and tooth brushing process. She turns her head to look out the window and is greeted by the warmth of sunshine which aligns itself with the tile markings. The white tooth full smile sends a reflection that greets the sun back, and as if waiting for just this signal the star asserts its light to fill the entire bathroom. Usually after such a heavy night this would be too bright for her, but not today. “ Thank you for sending my parents away.”

In her bedroom she puts on the C.D player and tosses her towel aside. The swing jazz leads her hips to sway from one side to the other and her legs to move to the rhythm. She sings along as she get’s dressed. Step in, step in pull up. First strap, second strap and click. One sleeve, second sleeve then button up. Pull up long sock then fold over. Pull up long sock then fold over. Pull up skirt, tuck in shirt and zip up. Slip in foot and buckle. Slip in foot and buckle. Cross over one, loop through once, loop through twice , wrap around, slip through once pull, tighten and straighten tie. She looks into the mirror and sees a short curly haired, green long socked, black shoed, green tied and a white shirt, short sleeved wearing girl staring back at her. She puts her index and middle fingers together and presses them against her plump lips and flicks her wrist to one side. She watches her one leg lift in the reflection as she picks up her bag and blazer and exits the room.

“Ag maar jy lees mooi, dankie Nthabiseng jy kan sit. Pragtig my skat dit was wonderlik. Leonard more ons begin met jou. Goed stan op. Gooie more klas, reg julle kan gaan. Katlego kan ek praat met jou asseblief.”

“Jeez Nthabiseng what you do to get that right?” Monique asks as they walk out of class while opening a packet of sour jelly beans. Nthabiseng picks up on the ice at the end of the question and coolly returns it.

“ I don’t know, probably trying to get back into my brother’s good graces.”

Walking towards the bridge that joins the school’s C and D block buildings they catch sight of the others on the bridge. Monique’s retort is smothered by the guys’ raucous shouting about Saturday’s rugby game. Joan emerges from the huddle of large teenage males with big eyes and gasping for air. She lunges a hug to both Nthabiseng and Monique to express her relief.

“ I know. It's okay.” Nthabiseng whisper’s into her ear before Joan speaks.

“ I’m so glad to see you guys! You won’t believe how long I had to listen to this! First Tumi didn’t come to school, then Mr Prince was absent and so I had to listen to this all through invigilation! I mean ja I get why they like it, but to have an hour long screaming match just to carry it with you into break is just ridiculous!”

“ Jesus are you breathing yet?”

Monique says dropping her jaw and exposing a mash of jelly beans for effect.

“ Ag that’s disgusting! Anyway how Ms Van De Watt? Has she finally changed her tampon brand?”

“ I think she actually might have.” Nthabiseng replies pleasantly.

“ At least for her; she’s convinced that Van De watt’s trying to get back into her brothers good books.”

“ Jealousy is unbecoming Monique.” Sings Joan. Once again Monique’s response is stifled by the guys bursting into a new round of shouting.

“ Fuck that shit! Nate Cedar had his time, bring in the new blood Erick Nasieb is the heat!” Nthabiseng decides to jump into the rugby debate

“ Erick Nasieb is the only number one in the world who also serves as a loose forward. He’s like having two players in one. So whatever team he plays for have sixteen men on the field.”

“ Ag that just means he wastes energy running around the field and ends up too tired to push in the scrum.” Pieter condescends. Siya’s passion takes a hold of his voice once again

“ Kak! How many times did you see him pop Pier Hylic like a champagne cork all through Saturdays game?”

“Who cares?! Rugby is just a game that gives men an excuse to touch each other!” Monique yells while pushing herself through the huddle. This brings on a new frenzy of screaming from the guys trying to profess the manliness of the sport. Monique had a habit of pouring gas on a flame and she loved it. The guys loved it too, the girls found it annoying. Monique smirks and begins descending the staircase and crumples the packet of jelly-beans. A group of grade eight girls charge up the staircase pressing Monique up against the wall they’re squealing and giggling. They immediately stop upon the sight of Nthabiseng. She crosses her arms and allows her bag to drop and hang off her forearm.

“What’s going on?” she asks shortly. A little girl with a row of badges on each fold on the front of her blazer sheepishly steps forward. Her thin little legs edge centimetre by centimetre towards Nthabiseng while the others move backwards down the staircase. Her eyes evade Nthabisengs gaze.

“ Sorry Mam, Richard was chasing us. He has a mouse that he’s trying to put down our shirts.”

“ Can you see the matric in the stairwell that you’ve almost completely squashed into the wall?” The group of girls collectively gasp together and begin making rushed apologies. Monique waves them off

. “ Jeandre. You’re an RCL member and you’re playing on the staircase during break when you know that it’s out of bounds. Next time it’s a pink slip to all of you. Now off you go.”

A chorus of yes Mam’s and sorry Mam’s are made and the girls rush back down the staircase. The sound of the girls erupting into excited laughter once they get to the bottom is heard.

“ You really do have a way with people.” Siya remarks.

“Yeah… I know.” Is Nthabisengs nonchalant response. She slowly makes her way down the staircase. “ Let’s go get lunch and sit out on the field.” Monique barely gives her a smile as a means of saying thank you. “It’s okay.” Nthabisengs whispers as she walks past.

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