Sunday, September 18, 2011

Get Angry Much?

 Using words as a way to break people as much as one can in the heat of the moment. Darren said Kaffir cause he was an angry racist right? But it's not about the fact that he used the word that bothers me. It's the way he used it. Ok so it's derogatory and all that and he probably throws it around when he and his family gather around the dinner table, or when the microphone for commentary is on mute or around the braai whatever. And when one is caught out, it is of course way inexcusable, hade for him. But I do understand that in the heat of anger one will say whatever it is that is most likely to do the person it is aimed at the most harm. I've said some horrible stuff that I meant in that moment, but regretted afterwards. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think Darren regretted using the word kaffir, nor do I doubt the fact that he continues to use it in a private capacity. All I'm saying is that I understand that in the heat of the moment a person is trying to say whatever it is that he thinks will break down the recipient in the hardest way possible. Take a look at Harry in this scene from the movie In Bruges. He later goes onto apologise to his wife by saying: "I'm sorry for calling you an inamate oject... I was upset." Which I think is the best and most honest apology on record. I'm not excusing what get's said in the heat of the moment. I'm just saying it happens.

No point in watching it twice, the slow mo kills the point.

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