Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Devil Is A Rockstar

Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll right?

Feel good, Feel better and Feel Godly Right?

Ecstasy, Passion, Power.

Indulge, Indulge, Indulge!

When I was a kid... wait I still kinda am, this is what life was supposed to be for me, well at least it's what I wanted from life. Work hard, but only at what I loved. Pick and choose companionship at a whim, much like having a choice on what meal to eat without any fiscal restraint and never touch your feet on the ground. Float above the rest, without question doubt or to even acknowledge anything else beyond your realm of existence. Fuck yes!

Hangovers, behind the scenes and waking up next to girls you never in your life expected to sleep with, brought the reality of my dream closer to me. Maybe it's cause I don't have the money yet,therefore, still drink cheap liqour and wake up next to girls who are down for the same lifestyle. I mean don't get me wrong more often than not the sex is worth it, but every now and then there's that one chick who just adds an ache to already sore head.(The top one I mean)

The Devil is a Rockstar, I thought, fuck that! The devil is whoever I choose to make him. An easy excuse for me to open up and blame all my bullshit decisions on. I dig the lifestyle I'm leading, it's like anything else, you take the good with the bad. So.... and I'm really trying here not to sound like a fundamentalist ponce at this point but here goes:

Lucifer and Jehova share the same space. If you see God somewhere, the Devil is right behind him and vice versa. This is not going the way I wanted it to. You can find good in evil and evil in good. I hate motherfuckers acting like missionaries trying to save the dark continent. But those being "Saved" by them appreciate and love what is being extended to them. They don't know no better at that stage except what's being given to them to replace what they don't have. Maybe later on they'll see through the bullshit. Yet at the same time I'm not doing anything to help people out of their bad situations except to turn to this machine and start typing under the guise of social consciousness on my blog that averages 30 pageviews a day. That's how I make a difference! That's just one example that I can think of. But the point is that there's three or more sides to every fucking story and maybe one shouldn't be so quick to polarise, because that's the easiest way to go about shit. Maybe it's about seeing shit from as many angles as you can. But seeing shit from every angle needs to be instant otherwise, it takes to much effort and time and the easiest way to make a decision is to either choose black or white. I won't lie more often than not I choose the darkest shade of white I can. I blame that on religious indoctrination from the age of... innocence? What's that?

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