Saturday, July 23, 2011


The night at the restaurant is crazy as Friday’s usually get. The waiters run up and down with little breaks between. Jason and Thami run a tight ship in their smoking section and do well in supporting each other. The owner Leonard makes his usual Friday night appearance. Slightly drunk and shouting at his staff. He steers clear of the smoking section knowing that Thami and Jason are his real money makers. The restaurant’s current reputation weighs on their shoulders. No matter how large the table the need neither pen nor pad. Their chemistry is unrivalled. Should there be a big enough table they make a performance of it and partner up to have the table served. After serving a table of 24 off memory and getting the restaurants biggest tip ever Leonard knew to leave them be of service to him. By all standards everyone working in the restaurant knew Leonard was a dickhead. He even took the time out to announce to his staff that he could afford to be cause he could afford to own the restaurant. But Leonard always knew that he could only go so far with Thami and Jason. He needed them both. So he always stayed in the non-smoking section when he came to the restaurant on his Friday visits. Not because they had said anything but because Leonard knew that when he was drunk he could not help himself. But there was more to it than that. Leonard never really felt he had real authority over Thami. The boy had a look that always made him wary of him. He also had a way of speaking that made him consider everything he said carefully. As if he was the one telling him what to do and when. Even the way that he commanded the staff was incredible. The kitchen did anything he told them to. And he even had a way with getting the cleaning staff to work immediately, without the brooding demeanor he got when issuing them with commands. There was something unsettling about the boy and Leonard wasn’t sure he wanted to find out what it really was. Thus always kept to the non-smoking section on Friday nights and waited to tally up the smoking sections earnings at the end of the night.

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