Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Other Verses The Self

So my friend Vulkan Cydeburner and I have this little project. It's something that I've been thinking about for a while and it's a way for me to get on stage and kinda mic what I like. See what I did there? Anyway so we had our first performance this past weekend. It was a lot of fun. It had been over two years since I had stepped on stage and the crowd seemed rather receptive of the project (I must admit I did have a bit of a rent a crowd situation going). I send huge love to all my friends who decided to pull through, whether you truly enjoyed it or not is irrelevant, but the fact that you were there to show support means to you like me, you really really like me! Anyway the performance wasn't bad for a first try. I mean we weren't as tight as what we'd have liked to be and that just comes down to rehearsal. Also the concept wasn't able to take on its full shape because of the little rehearsal time, so it's still going to transform, be a lot more experimental and the improvisational style will stay. The lovely miss Caitlin Hill was kind enough to record the debut and experiment at the Mahala event: Debuts and Experiments held at the Assembly. It was also Roger Young's farewell party as he has decided to hand in his final and official resignation from the internet mag. Things won't be the same without his imposing figure. Roger taught me to stop pussying out when writing and has been very supportive with this whole Misteaken blog thing. He also took me snorkelling with him out in Simon's town once where watched black children, who were unable to swim being tossed into the ocean and told to use the whites around them as flotation devices. Yes Rog was one of the flotation devices. We also got to kick it on an arms deal boat which was sweet and got mad food and shit. So he really is a cool guy.Rog thanks for the so much that I should thank you for.

So back to Saturday what's to be said we had a ton of fun. I rarely ever get to get drunk with Jake and we did. We partied with a Hipster version of Donomic, Eitan once again showed us his high standard of women that he finds aesthetically appealing. Thandi and Jason were being pink as fuck as usual. D was wallacing all night long. Fuzzy's the village drunk. Edward's the village jester. Rob father has adopted Caitlin and I and still licks my face to show his affection, Nozipho is queen of the whites. And the greatest legends of all Banesa and Kyla, who left a festival to watch our show! Like we didn't have pressure before. But you guys are a motherfucking mazing for pulling through seriously! So enough with the pink here are the two video's taken by Caitlin, I haven't watched them so... like... yeah.

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