Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Passive Aggressive Labelling

"Ja Phums always the suspect never the victim hey?!"

I don’t know what has me more annoyed the fact that a lot of people think that I’m a racist or that I’m constantly harping on about subject matter which shouldn’t  matter. I don’t know how many times I’ve been asked to stop being so racially sensitive or to just chill out and move on or get with the times. I don’t know how many times my experiences get watered down to isolated occurrences out of my own provocation because I have an antagonistic attitude towards authority. I don’t know how many times I’ve been told that I’m keeping myself back in the way that I think or been made the example of what a reactionary I am. I don’t know how many times the title “Decolonise the mind” has been misappropriated to label my world view.  Hello racism how you living? Under a label? What?!

We’ve all got our own set of prejudices and what not. Let me isolate this and I say I have my own prejudices and believe that everyone else does to. What pisses me off are people who won’t admit to having these little idiosyncrasies and would rather opt to look past them. Or just to qualify them as being awkward. What’s the difference between having a real interaction with a friend and having a polite conversation with an acquaintance? Have we now decided in order to actually get a long  we must simply jump to humour without acknowledging or fully understanding the historical context of jokes and their relevancy in the contemporary world? How am I taking myself too seriously when I’m offended or directly affected by a perpetuated systematic  way of thinking that continuously opts to keep a certain notion alive; that my sight, sound and speech  are to be denigrated in a corner, where the sullen fist has always been kept. How am I supposed to not air my thoughts on the way I see things with the very same people I believe I share a sort of kinship with? The kinship? That of equality. Too long has discourse dictated the expectance of my actions towards certain people. As if “I’m expected to know better”.  How many times would you like to tell me that I’m a smart guy, give me a pat on the head and try and shape the way that I think so that I can further enlighten myself. If you haven’t noticed the language I’m using at this moment I’d suggest you head for the door now.

So what has brought this little tirade about?  .

There’s this thing that people like to do. Especially when they feel threatened… If there’s someone who says too many things that make them feel uncomfortable or perhaps hit a little too close to home, they decide to paint the image of a conspiracy theorist. Except there’s no conspiracy here; just a knowledge of hundreds of years of foul and violent history with the sprinkled bacon bits that are: contemporary economic subjugation. Too much? Is this all histrionic rhetoric? Well I’m not saying anything new here and if you find it so then again head for the door.

 But it’s weird, cause language has been a very large role player in this constant struggle to find an equilibrium. When one engages in colloquial terms and settings it’s labeled emotional and sensitive. And then if they take to a more formalized approach they’re labeled the conspiracy theorist finding coincidences in everything or are are attacked on technicalities on the use of the language. How is one meant to win then?
It’s weird people decide when and how they want to act. When it best suits them. But the favoured disposition is that of ignorant condescension. Not only a historical ignorance, but rather social blinkers, driven by intellectual hubris, which often leaps to label what it cannot deal with in order to make things move a long. It’s an unwillingness to accept that we live in an uncomfortable society driven by so many socio-political and economic factors and band aids won’t work! Does this not leave us in the same boat as our parents? Well that’s fucking retarded isn’t it? Considering we grew the fuck up together. I’m tired of the assumed superiority which entails bludgeoning we the unconvinced into conceding that your point is more valid than our voices.

Misguided is what we are and our thoughts still need shaping.

I have a nut sack that needs gargling

Language: It gets very interesting when one points out the exclusionary (yes I do mean to use the term exclude. Everyone wants to make it into the club) language that gets used it becomes a simple case of semantics and contextualization.

So let me get this right? I can’t fully understand or know what I’m talking about cause I’m not a first language or a native speaker. While you can play and tweak the code wherever you see fit, cause you grew up with the rules? This means that any person winning a fight dictates the rules of engagement. But then we need to find out who’s fighting for what? I’m fighting for equality, while you’re fighting to hold onto your superiority complex. Now this is obviously a natural primal instinct, but at what point do you actually concede the fact that there really is no difference between you and I? When do you actually acknowledge that you are not better than me? When do you publicly apply this in practice? Is it a theory you enjoy verbalizing? A public persona perhaps?

I can never understand how people can get along with me, until I start asking them questions that they don’t want to answer, or worse cannot answer. What about the answers they give me that I do not agree with? There’s always a shift in engagement people have with me when I express my political and social outlook. Why don’t people wanna engage me? I suppose passive aggressive one liner statuses are funnier and easier. Also I get too sensitive about issues. I suppose I always make it about race. I suppose I’m the problem. I I I I I I I I I I. It’s all on me.

Why don’t people talk anymore?


  1. Phumlani. I love this. Nail on the darn head, I'd say! Your head is screwed on straight for sure. Let those that are not ready to face the uncomfortable and relevant truth that comes out of your head, heart and mouth fall away and those ready to face it and hear it and be uncomfortable stand in it. I can TOTALLY identify with what you speak of here. People also relate to me differently once I voice my political views. Some straight up avoid me or ignore me... c'est la vie eh?

  2. Basically, it's every problem I ever had about what happens once I open my mouth and say something someone doesn't like.

    When that happens, I forget about how to talk and regress to.. "Ag, tsek jy."

    Brilliant stuff!

  3. The frustration that fucks up speech. Experienced it way too many times.

    Good looking lady :)
