Sunday, October 16, 2011


So I’ve basically taken a year off and not done anything with it and now the recall back home. It makes sense. I’ve been living in Cape Town on my parents money and haven’t done anything of value or made a concerted effort to sustain myself. Jay Mazz put it in perspective for me I’m just being a child. So here go, back home with a full fridge DSTV, and I’m probably going to go back to school. Design college quite possibly, Copywriting seems like something worthwhile to study. At least with that I’ll be able to generate some sort of income and be self sufficient. So another commitment, three years later I’ll be 27. The real question: Do I wanna come back to live in this city? It has everything that I’m into, but is it really conducive to my progression as a person, I don’t know. Plus there’s the whole hostile environment thing that my dad keeps reminding me of.

“Cape Town is not friendly for people like you boy.”

While I fully agree, I feel like it would be a cop out to just up and leave for simply that reason. Why should I allow that to make me leave. I think the real reason I’m contemplating not coming back is because I feel like a failure. Four years in this city and nothing to show for it. Maybe school will help me figure this shit out. Also maybe a change of scenery for the next couple of months will be dope and help me find perspective. Friendly familiar faces. Either way I’m checking out for some time.  Gratitude to all those who helped me along the way. Establishments, acquaintances and real friends alike. Biggups!To too many to mention, I wish you all a thousand years of success J

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