Sunday, April 8, 2012

Affordable Train Ride

After reaching his destination from a trip that seemed to have taken forever and a day, from a day that seemed that it would never end, whilst probably thinking it was the worst birthday known to man, the kid sits at the Gautrain station waiting to be picked up by his sister who had forgotten his birthday. If this is 21 I should have stayed 20 he thinks to himself. He knows his sister will move at a slugs pace in leaving the house where she's probably already put up her swollen feet and will probably be cursing him for making her leave the house in her condition. I'm pregnant, do you know this? The question he anticipates her to ask.

Still in transit and waiting to make it to the final location of rest and good company he takes in his surroundings. A guy not dressed in rags and bathing in ethnic privilege walks around the train station, desperation marring the preconceived ideas of how deep his wallet goes. The Gautrain guards take a no nonsense approach to begging at the station regardless of accent or skin tone. The kid watches the man walk into the station only to be escorted out. The mans frantic energy increasing, he loses his temper at the brown hands escorting him out. "I'm not fucking begging! I just need money to catch a taxi!" He yells at their backs.

The man walks past the seated youngster a couple of times, looking to ask everybody except him for the taxi fare required to make his way to wherever he needs to be. She has long wavy blonde hair and dons a pair of D&G sunglasses. Her jewelry is the that of subtle  luxury. The man she walks with has that air of self importance that says any person walking by me must keep a 2 meter radius. The non-beggar seems to shrink as they appear and his hunched approach to them is a cringe worthy spectacle. Unamused eyes the kid keeps his balls fixed on the pending train crash. "Hi sorry, excuse me, can you please help me with some taxi fare." The snobs seem to put their noses higher in the air, feigning an ignorance to the non beggars presence that must have made him feel a slap would have been more welcome. At least they would have acknowledged his presence as a person and membership of the lucky sperm club. The non beggar resumes to roaming around all the while getting closer to the kid, who watches the man inch closer with each pace up and down in front of him.

"Hi, sorry, I really didn't want to approach you for this, but it would seem that even my own people don't want to help me and I really need to ask for some taxi fare. I just need R12, the people who were meant to pick me up have switched off their phones and I don't know what to do. They just kicked me out the station for begging and I wasn't begging I was just asking for taxi fare!"

The kid searches his pockets and hands the non beggar the last R4 in his pocket.

"Thank a lot man."

Is that really how the world works? The kid thinks to himself

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