Sunday, June 12, 2011

Too Many Many Men!

So Friday was an ABC night that saw and forgot a lot. From one place to the next we were all on a mission, for what the ever remaining pursuit of happiness, often known as the black mans downfall.

Grad party first. See some folk we haven't seen in ages and of course wish the Grad student massive respect for kicking a degree out of UCT while I couldn't. Sigh. Speaking to the folks is always good. There's always something to be learned and even better delicious catered food to be eaten.
Wandi did things I can only hope to do in the future with Magenta. A far greater photographer than I even on his drunkest day. Future Thug! Rapper from planet KillaSpasticThugKwik Disco Izrael once again hold his crowd to ransom with his buttery flows and even better nonsensic raps. '"YES PLEASE MOM CAN I GET SOME SECONDS OF THAT HARDCORE RAP SHIT!"

Fly On The Wall we get a bit more of whatever we already are. A trampoline, A New York City Cat I haven't seen in three years and more of whatever we already.

My first trip to evol, this is where I stop writing.

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