Thursday, September 13, 2012

For the love of poverty

Sometimes I sit in my head and watch what’s happening in front of me and try figure it out. I sit there in my head while my body stands there and I watch it all happen. Through my eyes I watch and I talk in my head and say “You know what? It’s okay.” I watch kids doing stupid shit and tell myself that it’s their choice to be stupid. In my head, I’m drinking a glass of whiskey, smoking a pipe am in a velvet robe sitting in a comfortable leather rocking chair and am pensively adrift concerned with much deeper things like should I pay my maid R12,500 a month?

 In reality I’m in the cold drinking a black label beer on an empty stomach and stomaching what I hate most. People ask me if I’m enjoying myself at which point I smile nod and pretend to sway to the music. In reality I have no fucking clue what I’m watching and why everyone around me is enjoying it so much. To me it sounds like progressive rave and I don’t care much for it. Then the progressive ravers tell the crowd that they made a new song inspired by the South African youth…

“Fuck off.” I move away from the front of the show and get to the back where at least I can smoke a cigarette in peace away from the madness of those fairer around me. At the back I have a conversation, much of which I don't remember because I’ve anesthetized myself quite successfully by buying two drinks at a time. The conversation at least is cool and engaging. The music on the other hand, isn’t bad it’s just progressive rave. The only song I wait for is a mild of version compared to the remix I much prefer. They seem okay but nothing more than that.

Okay so whatever no harm no foul. I’m in jozi for the weekend and no longer have to suffer these types of fools right? Au contraire mon frère, I’ve forgotten that being in the middle class we’re programmed to do whatever assholes deem is cool and that means gaining cred by driving to SOWETO to watch a fucking Swedish band. Christ my luck. It happens again, again I rather engage with an old friend than listen to the bullshit that has everyone else around me entranced. Finally the show is over and everything can return to normality right? Fuck my life.

We-Are-Crackers decided to shoot a music video for these assholes somewhere in the fucking G-Hetto. Dirty fucking black children scurrying around them getting a chance to play with their percussive instruments (cause I mean that’s how they’re born right? With rhythm in their fucking bones).

“Let’s show the world that Europeans can visit the shacks of Cape Town and make something beautiful out of the disgusting poverty we’ve created. Isn’t Cape Town Africa’s Europe anyway? This proves that we are one! They’re just nigger Europeans is all. And look at them! So poor! So happy! This proves that money isn’t the be all and end all of everything! Watch the poverty stricken monkeys dance to our music! They don’t even sneeze in the dust!”

On top of cultural misappropriation we’ve got the glorification of the fucking status-quo. Something We-Are-Crackers have been doing forever but I have never wanted to speak up to cause like now I will be perceived as just being a sour asshole. But this is the turd that clogged the goddman bucket toilet system. I kindly say fuck you!

At least it was well shot. 

Hopefully the rest of you can enjoy the video