Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Aunt Jemima

My patient made me so angry. A 17 year old girl, pregnant and in Grade 5. Couldn't speak a word of English but lives in Joburg.

 ·  · 9 hours ago via BlackBerry · 

    • Uncle Tom Uhm see i thought her being 17 in Grade 5, would have been a clear indication that English MAY have been a problemanyana
      5 hours ago · 

    • Aunt Jemima
       Hahahaha! The thing is, when I realised she couldn't speak English at 17 I asked her "No man sisi, what school do you go to?" Her answer was "Grade 5".
      5 hours ago · 

    • Mshoza  Hahaha!  Aunt Jemima !!!! Please stop with the lies...
      4 hours ago · 

    • Aunt Jemima Nomtha! I actually want to burst out laughing but I'm so exhausted! I am not lying!
      4 hours ago · 

    • Uncle Tom Grade 5 is obviously not the best of schools hahahahahaha
      2 hours ago · 

This is what I was subjected to the other day. I was going to go on a rant until a Chimurenga line popped into my head:

"If white people didn't invent air, what would we breathe?"